Oh woman where is thy speciality?                                     Thy body cry for clemency.      God created thee specially.        Universe admires thee.              Thy body carefully and wonderfully fixed.                    Wired fearlessly and tirelessly.      Given Eve as thy mother,.               She faced the serpent fearlessly.  Also decided without fear.              Oh creditable woman.              .  At the centre of your legs,.              Comes the most beholding garden.   In the garden comes the flower ROSE.                                            That cannot lost its taste.              That flower gives birth to Humanity.                                        Working hand in hand with the Universe.                                         Oh creditable woman.                     But you’ve missed but not lost it.   If only you chose wisely, who eat from thy garden.                            If only you utilize thy prowess strictly for birth of humanity.        Womanhood now exchanged for money.                                         Now exchanged for wealth,         exchanged for pleasure.             Chemicals and fertilizer now applied to the garden, gradually loosing it’s naturality.                         .   Oh creditable woman.                   O woman.                                           Give joy but never get joy,.            Give peace but never get peace,.    Give love but never get love,.       Give care but never get care.       Thy garden forcefully eaten from, thy body trampled upon.             Save thyself, oh creditable woman.                                       The coming world depend on you and look up to you OH WOMAN!! BE WOMAN.                                  


I thought the Bible say that when two people come together as husband and wife, they are now one. I thought marriage is suppose to be a happy place, where you stay with those you love. Apparently marriage is not what it is atall. Ironically it has turn to a hell hole. My sister is being bitten everyday and maltreated by her own husband. She cannot stay in her own home which is supposed to be her happy place. I think and thought and don’t know what to do.


This pandemic lockdown has really thought me a lesson. Am a kind of person that love without thinking, I guess I was wrong. Those I have always loved and provide for see me as a burden. Above all I have a son for someone I thought cared about me, but for the past one week he hasn’t care to call and ask after his son. The pandemic has thought me a lesson and a truth. Humans are not to be trusted.


Nigeria the home of all Managements: we manage our government, manage our leaders, manage our roads. Some manage their marriages, some their husbands, some their wives, some manage their siblings. We manage electricity, manage water, manage bettery on our phones, manage our economy, manage situations, manage our cars and sometimes manage our lives. What a country called Nigeria?.


The lockdown by the Federal Government cause of the Corona virus is not funny at all. Sellers in the market have inflated the prices of almost everything, there’s no light to keep one busy, there no money to get little thing to eat. It’s really not funny. Plans should have been made to provide for the common man. We don’t sleep well at night cause of robbers who are bored and broke. Please am using this medium to plead with the Nigeria Government, things need to changed for our sakes.


The world due to running ups and downs searching for wealth, power, and fame we have failed to take a pause and think of our lives. The high and mighty who have little or no regard for human life are running to refuge, their wealth can no longer save them. It’s a sign, the creator is trying to turn the world’s attention back to Himself. Peace be still. Streets, markets, schools have been shut down. We all have to turn back to Him, no place to hide even for the high and mighty. It’s time to turn back. I pray for the world and the affected families may God give them the grace to bear the loss and to us the heart to face this storm.

Its deeper than you thought.

Who I am.

Hahaha just remembered when I went to a friend’s birthday and was brought home without knowing where I was because I had a couple of alcohol. Hahaha just remembered how I went to a night club with a friend, I could dance very well but after some hours i started missing my bed and insisted on running back home to it. Remember been invited by a friend to sharaton hotel for a fashion show, I turned it down cause I couldn’t take the stress of walking out late at night. I begin to wonder what kind of being I am? But I felt bad when a friend said it’s my attitude thats why I couldn’t keep a man, I felt really bad. That am an introvert. That most men love a lively and wild lady, and they’ll always take me for granted since I always throw my love nest deeper instead of wider. But am proud of who I am, I believe the world belong to those that are capable of living and that’s exactly what I’ll do. Live!!!

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